

"Ik denk 2-0"

Virtuele tattoo

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Deep Thoughts

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The final sentence of a manuscript should be followed by the word "END".
"In April I submitted Vladimir Nabokov's short story "Torpid Smoke" to seven online manuscript evaluation services. Other than changing the title to "Russian Smoke" and Nabokov's name to Jonathan Shade, I left the piece unaltered. My online editors had some praise for the story, but also some suggestions on how to improve it. They each charged between three and fifteen dollars for their services."

(Een oude truuk natuurlijk, de heren van De Bazuin: JLJ Wenckenbach, Van Puffelen en Likmeier deden al vijftien jaar geleden hetzelfde door een David Bowie tape naar Hilversum 3 te sturen onder de naam The Windows)

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